Sciatica – The Cause and the Options in CITY* STATE*

Sciatica – The Cause and the Options in CITY* STATE*

Sciatica – The Cause and the Options According to Harvard Medical School around 40% of people will deal with sciatica at some point in their life. A problem that impacts that many of us is worth understanding. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the buttocks and down each leg on both sides.…

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Neck Pain – The Cause and the Options in CITY* STATE*

Neck Pain – The Cause and the Options CITY* STATE*

Neck Pain – The Cause and the Options About 50% of adults will experience intermittent or chronic neck pain. It’s a very common problem, but it shouldn’t be seen as normal. None of us were designed to live with neck pain. This problem often results from muscle strains, spinal issues, disc issues, nerve compression, injuries,…

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Headaches – You Don’t Need to Suffer in CITY* STATE*

Headaches – You Don’t Need to Suffer in CITY* STATE*

Headaches – You Don’t Need to Suffer There are almost 45 million people that suffer from headaches each year. It’s about one out of every six people. Tension headaches are the most common form of headache followed by, migraines, and cluster headaches. They can range from being a nuisance to debilitating, but in most cases,…

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Back Pain – The Cause and Options in CITY* STATE*

Back Pain – The Cause and Options in CITY* STATE*

Back Pain – The Cause and Options 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain at some time in their life. It’s an enormous problem that is most often caused by mechanical or structural problems that develop around the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and discs of the spine. Many back issues begin early in life. Think…

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