Bone Marrow Bruschetta in CITY* STATE*

Mid Back Pain – The Cause and Options in CITY* STATE*

MID BACK PAIN – THE CAUSE AND OPTIONS Mid-back pain or pain between the shoulder blades is a very common problem. It is especially common for people that work with their hands out in front of their body. A great example of that is computer work. When your hands are on a keyboard for hours…

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Back Pain – The Cause and Options in CITY* STATE*

Back Pain – The Cause and Options in CITY* STATE*

Back Pain – The Cause and Options 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain at some time in their life. It’s an enormous problem that is most often caused by mechanical or structural problems that develop around the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and discs of the spine. Many back issues begin early in life. Think…

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